Monday, February 28, 2011

Over Before...

it really began.

Despite my greatest hopes for a fantastic season of training and racing... I've made the decision to put triathlon on the shelf for the foreseeable future. While this saddens me beyond measure... it is something that I need to do... not just for my family... but for myself as well. It feels right.

Having said that... I'm inspired by the possibilities of the coming months and what they may hold. Thank you for all of your kind and inspiring comments left here over the last few years... I'll miss them... and you.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Hope you're all happy, healthy, and whole.

As always...




Chiropractic Eugene said...

That's kinda sad. But on the bright side, now we might get time to hang out.

Melissa said...

You will be terribly missed, but I totally understand. Have a great time just breathing. :-)

Unknown said...

You have to do what's right for you and those around you! We understand!!!! :)

Pat Mason said...

Never question your gut feeling. There is nothing better and rewarding, than time spent with your children!!!