Sorry to have been SO remiss in my postings... I can feel you loosing interest as the days drift buy. Yeah. I hear you out there. "That Tri-Rob guy. He doesn't care. He doesn't love us.". Well, you're wrong. I do care... and yes... I DO love you. I really do. Hm. Yup. I might even go so far as to say that I "rub" you... but that might be taken in the wrong vein.
Anyway! ONWARD!
Training? Yeah. I've been training.... and guess WHAT??? I've been SWIMMING too! I was cleared to swim a week and a half ago by my PT. If you've ever taken a significant amount of time off from swimming... I'm sure you know what its like when you first jump back in. I was expecting to feel completely out of place. To be lost in the water and not remember a THING of what I'd learned over the last year. But I was greeted by... quite literally... the warm embrace of the water. Yeah... they had overheated the pool. Anywho... the first few strokes I took... it was like I had never been injured. It was like the last 3 months had never happened. No dislocation. No
I said it before... and I'll say it again... the time out of the pool was a blessing in disguise. My injury was such that it didn't hinder any of my other training in the least. As a result... my bike, my run, and my core strength have come along to a point that I'm EXTREMELY happy with!
Case in point: The bike test I had... the one where I threw up twice in my mouth? Yeah. That one. I worked hard and went after it but I wasn't that confident in the results... I left the number analysis to Liz. I wasn't expecting much b/c I had just come back from a big meeting. I come back from these things mentally and physically spent. As it turns out, my power output a month into my training this year... is exactly where it was last year... when I was at my PEAK. Uh huh. I'm a happy boy!
My run is coming along nicely. LOTS of running directly off the bike... which I LOVE! Liz had told me that we were going to be putting together a "killer bike to run combo"... and, as usual, she's been true to her word. Every single run off the bike this year has been strong... freakishly so. I'm not doing tons of distance off the bike right now. For instance... after my 3.5 hour ride on Sunday, I ran off the bike in zone 2 for 25 minutes. Training smart. For me, the key to running fast... is staying injury free. That's the bottom-line. If I can stay healthy... I can run fast. I have had to check myself and be totally honest in my feedback to Liz reference how I'm feeling mentally and physically. Every ache and pain... she hears about... and she adjusts if she feels we need to. If you haven't noticed... the athlete/coach relationship is going VERY well. You should PROBABLY HIRE HER! She's definitely the one that'll take you to wherever it is you want to go in this sport. I'm serious. Do it. Now. Pull the trigger. Times a wastin.
Let's seeeeee. Hmmmmm... what else. Not a whole heck of a lot. I'm having a ball. Work has suddenly become more challenging if not more fulfilling, the kids are all doing really well... even my pre-teen Jack is tolerable... most of the time. I dunno. During my more clear moments... I can sit back, look around, reflect, and come up realizing how incredibly blessed I am to have the life I do. Don't get me wrong... there are moments when the expletives come flying out of my mouth so fast you'd think I was suffering from Tourettes Syndrome... but honestly... most of the time... I'm solid. I'm good. I'm really happy. And that? That, my friends, is just... well. It's really nice.
Here's a few random pictures! Enjoy!
This is a hill that I like to make "My Bitch"... as Liz would say.
This is the backside of said bitch hill. Nice backside huh?
Aggie the Wonder Dog. Minus her cape.