Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My ASS...

... is on FIRE!!!!

Do you remember a while back... as in MONTHS ago... in the beginning of the season... even before the Eugene Half Marathon? Do you remember me saying something along the lines of, "I'm committed to getting in the gym, lifting weights, and strengthening my core at LEAST twice a week." Do you remember that? You probably don't... but I certainly do. See, when I commit to something, and don't follow-through... I don't forget. I also tend to pontificate ad-nauseum within my own head about what a looser I am for not upholding that particular commitment. I mean really, why even say it out loud... let alone post it on your blog... so that its in print... for all to see. I mean really! If you're going to flake... keep it to yourself right? So, from this day forward, I am NOT committed to doing strength and core twice a week! Period. The end. (Just kidding Liz)

Yesterday was my first day back in the gym to do strength training in well over 3 months or so. This, in addition to 3400m in the pool made Robby tired. And hungry. Hungry as in: 1 humus plate, 2 grilled chicken breasts over a massive salad of mixed greens, spinach, walnuts and dried cranberries, 1 grilled Steele head fillet over steamed mixed veggies with a side of gnocchi, and 2 big glasses of milk! I LOVE milk! Anyone else love milk? Yeahhhhh... rock solid. I was also SORE. Particularly my boo-tocks. Lunges? Geesh... put the HURT on my fanny! We like to pretend that lunges might make us better on the bike... stronger on the run. But in reality... I just want a cute fanny. Is that so wrong?

Hope you're all happy and healthy!



jameson said...

I hear ya dude... I got back in the gym a couple of weeks ago and was sore as hell for the next 4 days... but it's getting better.

keep it up... I am sure your wife will appreciate the "cute fanny"!

Liz Waterstraat said...

TOO FUNNY! I am so glad I lit your ass on fire. I'm going to put that up on my testimonial page!

Jamie said...

Haha, what is the point of being lean and fast if you can't look good naked too? Right?

Kate said...

At our house, Mr KT calls that "sledge-hammer ass". :)

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

If you want to feel any better about your lazyass self, I publicly announced that I would do 2800 pushups in 2008 and at this rate I need to do 40 a day every day until the end of the year, and I still just keep watching the daily requirement go up and up and up.
It takes ONE MINUTE!!! Why can't I just do it????
This months Triathlete Magazine has an article called Six Ways To Stop Being Lazy - and I still haven't even read it!

Ryan said...

Dang, if I ate that much, my A$$ would be hurtin' too................just for a different reason :)

Congrats, with that picture you are now on my blogger list. Be prepared to be inundated with farts, poo, vomit, diarrhea, and sharting jokes so frequently that I will actually numb your sensitivities of such vial subjects.

Bigun said...

I think you already have a cute fanny....

and there's nothing wrong with that, unless the thought of a 260 lb ex-special forces dude looking at your buttox with a gleam in his eye bothers you....

Oly said...

Yeah, well, when I commit to getting back in the gym and don't follow though, monkeys fly out my ass!

Fire might be better. Little bastards have prehensile tails ya know.

Peace bro!

Anonymous said...

This is what you get for being a 70.3 World Champ qualifier!!!

beth said...

yummy yummy food is yummy i love hummus....

now go get your skinny little ass in the gym before you end up like my emaciated man.