Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are You Willing?

I first saw this video on Lewie's blog. If you haven't seen it, watch it, then answer the question above.

Do you have a willingness to suffer? A willingness to put it ALL out there? A willingness to risk failure, and possible humiliation? Really... look inside and ask yourself the question. Be honest. Let me be clear, you don't NEED "it" to participate in sport... although, I can say with some degree of confidence that if you're reading this blog and participate in the sport of triathlon... you ARE willing to do all of those things to a degree. For me? I need the suffering. I need the risk of failure. I need to push and sweat and scream and puke and cramp and cry. Am I willing? Hell yes. All the time? Honestly? No. BUT... I guarantee that if you make a push to pass me... you may do it... but you're going to pay... and its going to hurt... and at the end of the race... we'll both laugh about it.



jameson said...

Yes... kind of... and I am still learning how to. It's really hard to guage how hard you are willing to go.. the mind will hold back the body... I am trying to get to a point where my mind lets my body do what it's capable of.

Lewie Tenorio said...

Suffering, risk of failure, possible humiliation, screaming, puking, cramping, crying...
AAhhhhh, the joys of triathlon!!!

Kate said...

I have yet to puke during a race or a workout. Does that mean I am not going hard enough? =0)

Nice clip.