Thursday, December 17, 2009


I looked up the actual definition of the word the other day. I kinda thought that I knew exactly what it meant... but it turns out that there are a number of definitions. I think I like this one the best tho:

"A motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action."

What I like about this particular definition... is that it implies that there is no end... and its never alone. It takes OTHER motions to coordinate WITH it to produce something. In other words, you never stop evolving... and you don't do it by yourself! How great is THAT? I mean really... think about it. We all stagnate at times... it's inevitable... but while you may appear still on the outside... your brain can be chewing on something... working it out... mulling it over and over until you find a direction... and then? Zip... you're off... in motion... trying that heading out... seeing where it takes you... which is ultimately, onto the next thing... right? AND its always combined WITH something else... or someone else! It never stops. To some that might be unsettling. We're always trying to arrive somewhere. We have goals, destinations, decisions... but there's always the next step to take. Like a decision. "I have decided that I am going to do..." whatever. Well? Ok. Now what? See? The decision is NOT the endpoint... its the beginning. That is just SO cool.

Who's with me?

Thank you for taking the time to read. Hope you're all happy, healthy, and whole.



beth said...

you're still alive?

Sue said...

Wow, i was beginning to worry that you wonderful brain...had well taking a relapse...merry christmas to you and you family...

Charisa said...

Evolving is cool