Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Recovery Week!

Hi.  My name is Rob and I'm in a recovery week.  

Liz had me round out a three week build on Sunday with a 6 hour ride and a 40 min run off the bike.  EXTREMELY early morning start to make sure I got back home for important things such as Skate World and soccer games!  I about froze my skinny white ass off out there for the first hour and a half!  BUT... the sun came out and my effort increased... so everything thawed just fine. Two GREAT things happened during this workout... I worked my race pace based off of wattage for 4 of the 6 hours of the ride... AND... I flew off the bike with what seemed like fresh legs, crushing my proposed IM pace... I had to dial it back 30 seconds/mile after the first mile!   Turns out... I might be adjusting my marathon goal a bit.  Oh yes.  I'm happy.

Enjoying some recovery.  Eating a ton.  Enjoying the break from the rain.  Two tests this week... one run... one bike.  If I don't throw up in my mouth at least once during each test... I will be extremely disappointed.  This is it.  This is my last, (I think), test to fine-tune what I'll be doing in my first full Iron distance race... its time to go... go... fucking GO!

Hope you're all happy, healthy, and whole.  Thank you for reading!



Sue said...

ok so i missed something along the way..could be do to menopause :) what is the race coming up?

Vincent said...

good job on the pace work.

What are your goals by the way if you don't mind me asking?

Colleen S said...

GO, GO, GO...... enjoy the recovery while it lasts... fuel up and re-stock the tank!

George Houston said...

Isn't recovery week nice!

Charisa said...

Enjoy recovering!

Kate said...

I love to hear the excitement!!! You just might encourage me to consider a full IM distance.

P.S. my word verification was "joystas" which made me giggle when all I could picture was very happy gangstas. Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

ok - I've been traveling for work -how WAS recovery week? I imagine that you really needed it.
I enjoy your blog. It always seems to make me laugh. Pics are nice too. I think you're going to out-do yourself in this IM. I know that you're hesitant to have time goals but dude??? You've got the talent. Can't wait to see how you do.