Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tom Has...

... arrived!

That's right folks... my little fella has graduated from Preschool! Now, I've always thought that having a graduation ceremony for anyone leaving preschool and entering Kindergarten was a bit ridiculous... then I started having kids.  Tom was SO proud standing up there getting his "diploma"!  It's not very macho to cry... but damnit... he's my little guy... and he's growing up... and if I can't shed a tear of joy and let him see that... then ultimately, what am I teaching him?  Anywho, I'm so proud of that little guy... and as this chapter ends... another begins... and I'm THRILLED to be a part of it! 

OH!  Take a look at the side-bar on the left!  I added a poll! Recently, I've gotten some negative feedback regarding my goofy faces... SO... let me know what YOU think.  Your vote counts... and you CAN make a difference!

In other news... I leave for Coeur D'Alene tomorrow!  I'm SO excited I can hardly stand it!  I'll probably be posting from up there... but don't expect any novels.  For those of you that DO have my number... if you want live race updates on the likes of Taconite Boy, Bigun, and Blink... give me a ring!  I'll be on the course all day on Sunday!

Hope you're all happy and healthy.  Thanks for reading!


p.s.  Hidden talents.  When someone reveals one to you... treasure it.  They just gave you something... that brought you closer to them.  Don't waste it.  Thank you PDW.


Cindy Jo said...

Is that a Statue of Liberty costume he's wearing?

I'm not voting in the poll b/c I know you've probably rigged it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've always loved your faces. And the comment about the childhood, well, I was there, so I probably inspired some of the faces, especially when I'd give you the silent treatment!

:) said...

Have a blast at CDA and take lots of pictures!

You little buddy rocks.

Jen said...

Way to go TOM! I was the same way...I thought preschool graduation was a waste of time and totally un called for - until MY kids graduated from preschool...then all of a sudden it was the most important social event of the week :)

Kate said...

Yay Tom! You are the man. Congrats on a big step. By the way, Kindergarten rocks. You are going to love it.

Kate said...

At least in my world, your poll is on the right of the post! ;)