Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back Down...

... to earth.

A little digital art from J.D. Casten to the left!  

Fortunately for me, Coach Liz had built in a lot of recovery this week.  Today was my first "intense" day... and I paid!  MAN!  Liz's workout today slapped my ass and called me it's bitch. Yeah.  No exaggeration. Essentially I did a B-Rutal interval workout that completely sucked the life out of me!  I'm not kidding.  You should have heard me crying like a little baby at the end of the last interval... I'm serious.  I was dizzy, shaking, and in a world of hurt when I got off the bike. The towel under my trainer was soaked... so much so that Aggie, (my St. Bernard), was able to re-hydrate simply by sucking on it for a bit.  This ride?  It broke me.  I was broke.  It done broke-ded me.  Every illusion of grandeur was shattered by a mere 1 hour 15 minute ride on a trainer. Seriously.  But ya know what?  I freaking LOVE THAT SHEIT!  Gimme.  Gimme more Liz!  You know why?  Because I know for a fact that the average 38 year old Joe like myself doesn't enjoy the suffering as much as I do.  I know that you have to tear-down the walls and step out of yourself to rebuild something stronger.  Hm.  Doing workouts like this reveal new things about one's self.  WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT KIND OF OPPORTUNITY???


p.s. I think cheese is one of the most perfect food items on the planet...


beth said...

will miss liz allow you to share her workout? just this once?
sounds like a fun sufferfest.
every time i read your stuff i am amazed at how much energy you have. i would bet that you are the most fun dad (until your kids become teenagers and then you will embarass them)

Anonymous said...


Bigun said...

swiss....yea, baby, yea!

Cindy Jo said...

Cheese is only perfect if you have it with red wine! Or, if you're hungover - a grilled cheese sandwich!!!

Owen P said...

This is grreat