This is a REALLY popular phrase these days. People like to throw it around and imply that they are doing things for the greater good. It completely cracks me up to hear people in the world of triathlon spouting off about how they want to "give back" to the sport. Can you PLEASE turn down the dramatic violins? It's nice that you want to promote the sport and encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle... but if you REALLY want to give back... do something that truly has meaning! I mean, isn't there a hungry kid somewhere that needs a meal? Or maybe one of those little kids needs help with their reading once a week for an hour? Or MAYBE that dude that you passed by in your SUV while sipping your latte actually DOES need something to keep him warm tonight... pass the guy a coat! Plant a freakin tree! Clean up a coast-line! For Christ's sake do something that actually makes a difference! I'm just sayin... don't act like a saint b/c you're volunteering at a race or organizing a "team" with a bunch of fancy sponsors that give you free shit for being mediocre. Be a "quiet professional" will ya? (Bigun... you'll get that reference).
Oh, I'm volunteering at IM CdA this year. So I can freakin TAKE next year! That's it. That's the reason I'm doing it. Oh... and there's also a chance that I get to snuggle with Jay, throw-up on Blink, and give Bigun a wedgie! But other than that, I'm going up there to learn the course so I can go back and have that little edge over the competition. Giving back? PuLEASE.
Whew... sorry bout that. Thanks for listening. That's been eating at me for a while.
OK! SO! Training stuff! YEAH! I'm training. Today? 2800 yds in the pool and a 45 minute run. Am I taxed? Tired? Drained? Hell NO! I'm hungry but that's about it. The thing is... I'm being introduced to quality... not just quantity. As I said in my post yesterday... I'm going to have FAITH in the PROCESS! I'm going to TRUST my coach... and yes Kt... I'm going to breathe...
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you're all doing well, training smart, and making a difference somewhere.
True dat brother...Lots of "saints" around acting holier than though when it's easy to see their underlying motives.
yeah, "give back" is thrown around as much as "go green" these days....at least awareness is building...
as for giving back, there are some really rad people in our TRI club that volunteer their ASSES off. i owe them as i really only volunteer just enough to feel as though i'm "giving back" without really doing so...you know what..you just motivated me to volunteer for my club. in april. i'll do it. thanks!
Take Rob, Taaaaaaaaake.
If the mood does strike to give something of yourself, please give it to dummy, please.
Yeah, I'm always hungry too....
So. Rob. What EXACTLY are you saying? I don't think I got ya on that one. Could you repeat it? Maybe just a little louder so we can hear ya down here in Florida?!?!
ROtflmao. CdA is going to be a blast. I don't know if we'll be able to handle one house with all of this funniness going on. Hold onto your hats boys!!!
I'll take the wedgie, just don't puke on me! At least Jay gets a reach-around.
Some guys are "takers" and some are "givers" - good to know what side of the fence you're on, there, sexy...
And yea...bottom line...any sponsered team "event" or "method" of "giving back" is really just a vehicle to increase visibility of the sponser. Hopefully some good gets done in the process. Putting yourself in a position to have to beg friends for votes DOES bring visiblity to the team; even bad publicity is good for the sponsers. That process alone, however, I think did a good bit of damage to the street cred' of Team Evotri.
Can I at least get a hug?
word verification: Dr SRO (drsro) - a Vietnamese anti-coach who replaces growth hormone and testosterone shots with jelly donuts and chocolate chip cookies....
did bigun just say "street cred"?
Such a poser
Thanks for listening!
the triathlon shop is Gear West. 952 473 0093
One of the best in the country(not kidding)
I am going to take,,,,,by the way keep that opvertraining going so you peak in early May
I hear ya bro! Help an old lady across the street or something!
By the way, I got an email from my mom today and the last line was this, and I quote, "I like the guy on your blog who reminds you to Breathe! Good advice for all of us."
I guess if you are ever in the area you may have to have dinner at my parents house. I am laughing out loud at that!
I see that you found me a mn tri shop. Thanks.
I'll head in there as soon as the giant blizzard stops...no kidding. We're expecting up to 10 inches by tomorrow. But then again...what do I expect for April 1st in MN???
Thanks Rob.
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