First there were the weights. Yeah... me... weights. It's kinda funny standing in the weight room with all the big meat-heads that are built like The Bigun. I don't quite have the grunt down yet... nor can I quite muster the appropriate, "I'm a freakin tough guy don't mess with me or I'll squash you with my huge guns because I can" look. I'm workin on it though. I DID however start what's going to be a 6 week strength building program with a particular focus on leg strength. Yeah... seen my legs? THAT'S why. I'm also continuing with the core work. It's been a while since I've been in the gym... and it showed. But I know that's one of the places I need to invest a little time... so there ya have it.
Second? I got to do some HILLS today! YES! Easy 15 min warm-up followed by 8 X 30 hill sprints up the steepest mo' fo' hill in Eugene on 2 min active recovery (i.e. jogging back down) and then a 15 min cool-down. I like running hills. Its a sickness. I like feeling lightheaded at the top. I like getting just a bit further up the hill than the last time. I like barely being able to keep my feet under me coming back down. I like getting my HR up to 186. Good times. Good times.
NOW... as I sit here... I'm tired... I feel worked... it was a good training day.
you are the head! But aren' we all? Don't worry, the gym guys are all roid raging...just keep your distance and avoid emotion-inducing conversation, like, "how bout them Giants?", or "I hear Metallica's making a comeback!" - You can try calming them down with, "Obama's views on immigration are interesting, what do you think?"...
I'm right there with you man... I have slowly been adding intensity and it's addictive. The strength training is a good idea too... I have been in the gym all winter and can definitely tell the difference.
keep it up!
tri rob
i am with you. I love to run the hills... errr..the mo'fo' hills as you would say...just love it even though my hamstrings sound like bocelli hitting a high note.
the gym. I am a 190 pounder and I just want the core strong..and so i don't try to throw the weights around that much either....
Love to get most "grunters" into a pilates class and see how they do.
I agree on the climbing. Something about climbing that is very satisfying.
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